It's me

It's me
The Bedouin Woman

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I felt led to write on the subject that was spoken of today in my church. So many people today that I know are so bound with unforgiveness. It makes me very sad for them because they think they are hurting the person that hurt them when in fact they are only hurting themselves.

Remember Joseph in the bible, the guy with the coat of many colors? His brothers were really hateful toward him because he was the youngest and the favorite of his father Jacob and he was also very handsome and had a great body, yes the bible does say that, not exactly as I put it here but it does say that. So when they were out one day, tending to their chores they plotted to kill Joseph, but instead one of the older brothers said lets just sell him to the Egyptians and so they did. He was 17 years old when this happened to him, fast forward 20 years, he is now 37(read the bible to get the rest of the story and how he got to where he is now)Genesis Chapters 37-50 yes a long story but so very interesting.

At this point Joseph is a very important man in Pharaoh's house, in fact the only one above Joseph is Pharaoh himself.

Did Joseph have a reason to be hurt, angry, bitter or mad, he sure did. BUT what Satan meant for harm, God used for good.

It's all about perspective. If you fear God, you don't have to fear people or their actions. The fear of man is a trap.

Whenever you REFUSE to embrace bitterness you make God the author of your story. When you are bitter you give those that hurt you the pen to write your story.

When you refuse to embrace bitterness that your enemy sends to make you weak, you reverse it's power. When you hold on to what your enemy has done to you, you give them power over your life.

Lastly is this, When you walk in forgiveness you discover no one can do anything to you that God will not turn to your good.

I hope this has brought a new perspective to anyone out there that is holding onto unforgiveness, look what Jesus did for us, He is the all forgiving one, don't you think if He can forgive us we can forgive others?

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