It's me

It's me
The Bedouin Woman

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Next Adventure: Brazil

Hello there my friends and Blog followers!!
Let me first say that the amazing thing about being a Christian is that you never know where God may take you, IF you are willing to listen and to do His will. Sometimes His will is not our will and when He asks us to do something, it's not always easy and most times we have to think about it. God wants obedience, He wants us to act upon what He is telling us to do, doing nothing or ignoring His desire for us is disobedience and therefore we are sinning against Him.
Several days ago my life was humming along, nothing exciting going on, oh I had a few things coming up that had my thoughts and concerns. For example, the students I cook for will be graduating and that leaves me wondering what I will do for the summer. I did obtain my nursing license and therefore I thought(I)would of course be working as a nurse somewhere in Broussard of Lafayette. Next I am having surgery on my right foot, a simple procedure but it will require some time off for healing. I'm also looking forward to a trip to Florida with my granddaughter Julia. So when I got the nudge and I mean it was a very big nudge something I couldn't ignore if I wanted to, to go to Brazil, I was blown away to say the least!
As I go day to day, it amazes me how God orchestrates everything flowing in that direction. Everything I read pertains to His love and His direction and His provision. I could have never come up with this plan on my own.
So, this is the beginning of something big, it is not just about Brazil but what God has in store for us when we return. He is going to be teaching and training us in something great to bring back to the states to teach and train others. I wholeheartedly believe this.
What God calls for He provides for, I can't wait to see how He is going to work all this out. I'm trying to let Him do it all but sometimes my human nature gets in the way and I want to help Him out, then He gently reminds me, He has my back!

Monday morning we have two dates, one with a sweet lady from our area who is in Brazil right now, finishing up her 6 months. We plan on a skype date to pick her brain. An E3D staff member who made all the arrangements for the 6 students who went to Brazil for a 3 week period just recently. Between the two we should find out about finances, airline tickets, where we fly out of and where we fly into, simple stuff, haha. Stay tuned I will be blogging frequently to keep all of my blogger buddies up to date!