It's me

It's me
The Bedouin Woman

Friday, March 4, 2011

The cleansing has begun! Day 1

I'm taking you, whoever you may be that is reading this blog, along on a lifestyle change journey. I won't write about it daily as that would get old quickly. My plan is once a week, you can handle that right? I won't bore you with details and I will try to make this as pleasant as possible with some humor and scripture thrown in.
Ok so this boat started sailing early this morning when I was awakened from a rather sweet sleep. My belly was rumbling like a freight train that passes by this campus frequently and I made it to the rest room just in time! Whew, so this is what that hot lemon juice does to ya after the 3rd day. Yes, I started the hot lemon juice 3 days ago, before I actually started the "plan". I will refer to this 17 day diet as the "plan" cuz we all know diets never work. This "plan" is going to work!
The cleansing feels good, I feel like this new wonder(hot water and lemon juice)has cleansed each and every organ, cell and blood vessel in my entire body, it's quite refreshing actually.
My new motto for this time of my life is "I will succeed". Sometimes our circumstances try to dictate our desires and wants. But if we keep a positive attitude and keep our eyes on the goal then the race can and will be won and we can and will succeed in whatever we set out to do. One more very important tidbit and this is all free advice, keep God in whatever you are doing and you can't help but succeed!
I plan on being frank and honest in this blog, it keeps me humble, so here is what I didn't do all other times I have tried to downsize myself, I failed to include God, so of course it never worked, I should have know better, oh well, I do now.
Oh and YES Virginia there is a devil and he does try to keep you from your goals and he is real and he will do everything possible to thwart your plan, but guess what, He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world! He is already defeated. I put him under my feet and just like a cartoon character, he is squashed like a bug! And just like a cartoon character he will be back again with a slightly different attack but if we are always aware he has NO hold on us!
My weight has been up and down all my adult life, it all started after babies and then escalated, I was a slim 130 pounds back in pre-baby days and haven't seen that number since. Right now I'm the heaviest I've ever been hitting very close to 200. So, I said I would be honest and this is me doing that, so, on that note, I will be back next Friday with an update and a downsize!

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