Her father saw and felt that she was not feeling well, her head was feverish and she couldn’t hold anything down, even water came back up, sometimes with flecks of blood. As he held her limp body he knew very well that this may be the end.
“But Lord”, he prayed “she is only twelve years old, please my God, if necessary take me not her.”
His wife came to him in a rush,” Jariaus, there is a man in town, everyone is talking about Him they call Him Jesus the healer. Our beliefs may differ but we must take the chance that He can help out little girl, after all she is only twelve years old.”
“My head hurts so bad”, she thought to herself. Hardly able to open her eyes. “Oh, if only I could get out of this bed and walk around, I may feel better.” But try as she might, she could not even move a muscle.
“Oh, these white lights are so pretty,” she thought to herself, “and they don’t even hurt my eyes or my head. But why and what are they from”? “I can see rainbows and fluffy white clouds in the distance, it’s like I’m floating. It feels like I’m going to them, but wait what about my parents, won’t they miss me, can’t they come with me? I’m too young to travel alone……I’m only twelve years old”
In the distance she could hear people talking, crying, wailing and shouting. “Don’t they know how bad my head hurts, and how sick I feel? Can’t they hear me telling them to please be quiet, so I can rest?”
Jariaus came upon this man named Jesus, he could tell He was a man with much authority, as people mulled around Him as though they all wanted something from Him. Jaraius was also a man of authority, being the ruler of the Synagogue, but he was also very respectful and tried to wait his turn. But he knew time was of the essence and went to Jesus posthaste. As he approached Jesus a man in the crowd yelled “why bother the teacher, your daughter is already dead.” As Jesus heard this verbal exchange he said to Jariaus “Don’t be afraid, only believe”.
She felt as though she was floating right in and on those while fluffy clouds. Her head didn’t hurt any longer and she felt as if her body held no weight. She saw a beautiful rainbow and seemed to be moving in that direction. She looked down to perhaps get and idea where she was and saw a crowd coming toward her home. Her father was in the lead and then a strange man she’d never seen before but felt as though she knew Him. A party, my father’s having a big party and I’m up here, oh I must get back there, she thought to herself. Try as she might she couldn’t go back. Then she heard the wailing, the crying, the moaning, funny, she thought, sounds of a funeral, then she saw her mother and she was crying as well, someone must have died, but who?? OH NO, IT’S NOT ME, IT CAN’T BE, I’m too young to die……oh but this feeling of weightlessness and these beautiful clouds and rainbows,,,,oh but no, it can’t be, I’m only twelve years old!
Who is that man with my father, I feel I know Him and the closer He gets to my home the more I feel the tug, I feel like a balloon with a string on it and He is tugging at me to come down from the clouds.
Now Jesus didn’t want anyone to come with Him into Jariaus’s house except Peter, James and John His dear friends. As He got closer He saw a large crowd those who wept and wailed loudly, He said to them “the child is not dead but sleeping”. The people around Him ridiculed Him, He put them all outside except the parents and went into the child’s room.
Oh, how strange I feel, my headache is gone and I’m so hungry! Oh wait, there’s that man, He’s looking straight at me, I feel such love coming from those piercing eyes, I’m going back…..I won’t be travelling without mommy and daddy after all. This must have been a pre-journey, oh but it has been such an adventure. Do you think this was a preview of what heaven is like or perhaps just outside of heaven doors? Mommy, Daddy, I’m not dead!
As Jesus came to the bedside of the child, the parents stood by with tears of joy, apprehension, anxiety and tears for the unknown. This man saw that their daughter was not dead but just sleeping. However, the parents saw that her chest had not risen or fallen her father felt the life drain out of her as her held her, she took her last breath. If this man named Jesus said their daughter was just sleeping then by faith they would believe Him.
“Talitha Cumi”, which translated “Little girl, I say to you arise”. Immediately, the little girl sat up and ran to her parents. Jariaus and his wife were overcome with emotion as their child ran into their waiting arms.
“Mommy, Daddy wait until I tell you what a beautiful dream I had, Oh! I’m so hungry”…..
She looked over to Jesus “Hello Mister” she said, “you were in my dream”………