Off to Brazil or so we thought!
After coming to Houston and staying with Beverly, a friend of Pauline’s and now a friend of mine too! After Beverly took us to the airport, after getting all our luggage into the airport and through security, after getting to our gate and sitting for an hour, after deciding we needed to eat, we dragged all our carry on luggage toward an eatery and stopping to look at departures and arrivals we see our flight to Miami was C A N C E L E D!
I stayed with the luggage while Pauline practically ran back to the American Airline counter to find out the situation. After what seemed to me like an hour Pauline came back with the “good” news and the “bad” news.
What happened was weather, bad weather up and down the coast of Florida and especially in Miami, so bad that they canceled our flight. Now, we could have flown out the next day but then we had the problem of connecting to Belo Horizonte, which was not possible but they could get us into Sao Paulo but that presented another situation of getting us to Belo, neither one of us would have a phone so this was not an option.
Pauline, being the brilliant thinker she is and good in any emergency (remind me to tell you the wasp story, another time) asked the girl at the counter is there another flight another day to get us to Belo? Yes, there is another flight exactly like the itinerary we just had, flying out on Thursday same times to Miami, flying out to Belo and arriving on Friday at 8 am .
She accepted that itinerary and the girl was even kind enough to do my ticket as well, even though I was not in front of her, so “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.” Romans 8:28
His purpose was for us not to fly out of the country at that particular time. I don’t know why and I may never know the reason. I am not God but I am His child and He cares for me. We are going to do His will and His work and this trip is all in His timing and I am to trust Him in all things.
Pauline called Beverly and we retrieved all our luggage, and since 9/11 the airports now have no lockers to rent so we had to lug all that heavy luggage back to Beverly’s car and assemble it all back in her car and that feat was mainly on Pauline’s shoulders (and back) because neither Beverly nor I are equipped with the strength that Pauline has, she lifted everything back into the car and off we went.
We could have taken this setback defeatedly, but is that what God would have wanted us to do? I felt that God is working character, flexibility and patience into us and preparing us for what might be in Brazil. That being said we headed back to Beverly’s but first stopping at a great Mexican restaurant called Los Cucos, after all isn’t that where we were headed when all this went down? J
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