My Journal for Go Go Maw Maws
Today is Sept. 3, Labor Day 2012. I went bike riding with
Leannda Moore and Ronda Amos, Chris Amos, Kimberly Amos and Michelle Lacerda.
The Go Go Maw Maws are a group of ladies(well, two right
now)that are training for a cross country bike ride in hopes of raising $50,000
for the Go Go Grandmothers in Malawi, Africa. The grandmothers are raising
children that have lost parents to either HIV/AIDS or some other disease and
these women are well into their senior years. No, I’m talking SENIOR years, I’m
a teen senior compared to some of these precious women.
So, because they have inspired me so much with their
dedication and determination that I said, “I want to do this too”! However I
know that there is a lot of training that goes into this and you must have the
right bike and equipment that goes with it.
Since these ladies started bike riding they have lost many,
many inches, sizes and pounds, without changing their eating habits much. This
I like J. My doctor informed me I need to lose weight
and I need to change my eating habits and since that alone will not help the
cholesterol that is already built up on my arteries, I have to take cholesterol
medicine and I take blood pressure medicine. BUT, I will NOT let this stop me!
I spent 4 months in Brazil, I can do this!!!
I arrived at the Amos household and they were all out there
filling tires with air, determining which bike would be good for me, a first I
looked at the sizes of these bikes with fear and trepidation. Ronda talked to
me and eased my fears. They helped me on the bike and I rode around the
driveway a few times and then, I was ready, or so I thought, I mean how bad or
hard can a 9 mile ride be? You have NO idea.
Let me just say I was not well prepared, those ladies were
if you see the pictures they took you know these ladies know what they are
doing! Helmets on their heads, saddle packs on their bikes, along with mirrors,
horns, water attached to the bike, well you get the picture. No worries they
had it all for me too! Off we go!
About a mile down the road, stop,”are we there yet”? Haha,
“almost, one yells out” you know there lying to me,,, Stepping off the bike my
legs felt like jello, but I got back on and off we go again.
Ok, I won’t go through the whole painful process but suffice
it to say, I was hot, I drank a lot of water, we stopped about 4 times and then
finally made it back to the Amos’s homestead. I was never so happy to see a
home then I was that very moment! BUT, I DID IT!!
The ladies were proud of me, heck, I was proud of me and we
made a date to do it again!!
Happy Biking till the next time,,,,,,