It's me

It's me
The Bedouin Woman

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Arise- from my perspective

Arise 2012 with John Bevere on our opening night of Thursday March 15. We were so blessed to have the Bevere’s here with us on our 3rd year of Arise. John started our first night with this question: WHAT IS THE FEAR OF THE LORD? Now, I don’t know about you but this to me meant that we don’t want to do anything wrong to have the wrath of God down upon us. Oh, my dear friend it goes a lot deeper than that! John went on to explain what the fear of the Lord really is and if you are a person who truly fears the Lord.

The fear of the Lord is to be terrified(not of God)of being out of the presence of the Lord. You hate what God hates and Love what God loves. All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Here is some evidence of someone who fears the Lord:

*They will obey God instantly. You know, sometimes you hear God and He wants you to do something, but we, in our human state, usually will put off what God is telling us to do until we are sure, it was Him speaking, that my friend is disobedience and therefore you do not fear the Lord. Almost obedience is not complete obedience.

*They will obey God even if it doesn’t make sense. You’re in service, worshiping God, and suddenly He whispers to you to tell the person in front of you that He loves them and He sees what they are going through, you think to yourself is this just me or is this really God? Don’t think about it just do it!

*They will obey God even if it hurts. Even if you can’t see the benefit of it. Obey God to completion.

God’s victorious secret: Psalm 25:14

The secret of the Lord is with those who FEAR HIM, and He will show them His covenant.

Arise day 2, March 16, 2012 Morning Session Heidi Reisner


As a young person we all have had our dreams. Some dream of going into a field of medicine or being a great athlete. Sometimes those dreams never come true. A disappointment is to fail to fulfill expectations.

Lazarus was the hopes and dreams of Mary and Martha, when he suddenly became ill and it took Jesus 4 days to get to them, they were devastated. Read the story of Lazarus, Mary and Martha John 11:17-44. Jesus knew exactly what He was doing even though Mary and Martha did not. They both reacted differently to His delay, Martha, when she saw Him coming ran to meet Him, while Mary stayed in the house.

How to reclaim your God given dream:

*You must acknowledge your disappointment. Martha and Mary were both disappointed that Jesus took so long to get to Lazarus and in the meantime he had died. Now, that is a disappointment. Both knowing that IF Jesus had come sooner, He could have save Lazarus. Vs 21.

*You have to believe again. Vs. 23, here Jesus is telling Martha and Mary that Lazarus will rise again. They thought He was talking about in the resurrection, but He was talking about then and there, but they didn’t realize that then. Your hopes and dreams can and will rise again, you must believe that.

*Allow Gods dreams for you to become your dreams for yourself. Healing>Resurrection. Gods dreams for us is far better than any dream for ourselves.

Martha and Mary wanted a healing for Lazarus, they called but Jesus delayed because He wanted a resurrection for Lazarus Vs 18. The place where Lazarus was is only a 2 mile journey. Sometimes God will wait, in order for our dreams to die Vs 34.

Jesus wanted Martha and Mary to take Him to their greatest disappointment Vs 35. Jesus wept, not because Lazarus had died but because Martha and Mary had lost faith in Him.

Arise, next session with Dr. Barry Henry, speaks on Health and Wellness has a test you can take to find out just how unhealthy we all really are. I highly discourage this test but OK, go ahead, don’t listen to me, take it BUT I WARNED YOU!

He started out by saying stress can take 30 years off your life where smoking takes off 20 so you see stress is worse than smoking. Ok, but YOU still need to quit smoking!! Romans 12:1

Management of stress:

*Breathe deeply, learn to meditate, slow your mind(no, not the new age stuff)put on some good worship music, close your eyes and think of God and how good He is to us.

*Relax your muscles

*Exercise 4 times a week

*Think positive thoughts about things you enjoy

*Make changes in your schedule

*Surround yourself with people who provide positive and healthy feedback, suggestions and laughter.

*LAUGH A LOT even at yourself.(my insert)

*Get your sleeping patterns in order

*Find 60 minutes a day for YOURSELF

*When you can, spend 60 minutes or more helping others

I Cor. 6:20 We were bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit which is God’s.

Arise, Saturday Night 3/15/12 Lisa Bevere


If there ever comes a time when the women of the world come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a force such as the world has never known.

Matthew Arnold, Ninteenth-Century British Poet and Author From the book Lioness Arising, by Lisa Bevere.

Jesus, our Lion of Judah. Ever seen the movie Narnia? Ladies, we are His Lionesses. But do we act like it? Awake, Awake, daughters of Zion! Wake up to who we are!! Awake from the dreamless slumber. Isaiah 52:1-3 It is later than we think!!

We are most alive when we are on the edge of danger.

Clothe yourself like a garment(strength) You have a strength find out what it is and put it on.

Proverbs 6:6-8, Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you, be strong and of good courage,,,,,

Excerpt from the book Lioness Arising:

To all my lioness sisters who feel something wild, fierce and beautiful stirring within them.

You are stunning. You were born for this moment. Don’t be afraid of your strength, questions or insights. Awaken, rise up, and dare to realize all you were created to be.

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