Reading Judges chapter 2, I think depicts today’s times so clearly. Our nation was founded on Godly principals; I don’t think I would get an argument there. But as so stated in Judges chapter 2, verse 11-12, after Joshua died, the people of Israel began worshipping Baal’s(idols), they did not adhere to the principals Joshua set forth. Our nation has done the same thing, we are no longer a nation that serves one true God but worship many idols(what is your idol?)
We are a people who should be leading our nation, non-believers should look as Christianity as the “way” to live clean, emotionally healthy, morally correct lives, instead we, Christians, follow the world, and all the “dirt” the world gives us. But the bible says we shouldn’t act as the world acts: Romans 12:2
We, just like Israel provoke the Lord to anger, by following those other gods or idols. Judges 2:12. If God doesn’t work fast enough for us, or if He seemingly ignores our pleas, we turn away and seek other gods. BTW, God never ignores our pleas, prayers or requests, but sometimes He does require us to “wait on Him” Isaiah 40:31 and as we do a reward awaits us when we do as this verse aptly states.
Judges 2:29 says that the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel. Like Israel we as a nation continually provoke the Lord but because He is a true loving Father(haven’t we as children provoked our natural fathers? Haven’t your children continually provoked you? But as a loving parent you have always forgiven your children just like our heavenly Father forgives us, so many, many times)Our Father has given us chance after chance to “get it right”. God will never give up on us, He wants our nation to once again be a nation that loves and serves Him. 2 Chron. 7:14
The above scripture is a message for us as believers to get our act together, how long are we going to ignore this dire message? We need to get on our hands and knees(on all 4’s as pastor Tim Delina said recently)before God to get us back to a nation that not only believes in His awesome power but to act upon that power. God is calling us to restoration; He wants to restore our nation. We need Him; we need to heed His call. Our land needs healing, let’s bring prayer back in our schools, let’s call sin, sin and murder, murder! Abortion is not ok! Marriage between two men or two women is not ok! Ro. 1:27. Let’s take care of the widows and orphans like the bible commands us to do, as the church it is our responsibility James 1:27, Psalms 146:9.
When Israel cried out to the Lord(once again)The Lord raised up a deliverer (Judges 3:9)for the children of Israel who delivered them. Now, we know God sent His son (John 3:16)to be our deliverer, so when we die we will forever be with Jesus, His Father and Holy Spirit. But what about now, here at this time? My thoughts and hopes are this: If we get down on all 4’s, hands and knees and pray God send us a true man of God, not a people pleaser, but a man after Your own heart that will lead this nation as You see fit, I think, no I know, He will hear our cry. But we must make a concerted effort to do our part and pray like never before.
Let’s make 2012 the year that God changed our nation and brought it back to Him!
“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chron. 7:14
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