2010, the year of new beginnings, we always say that don't we? We start out by saying we are NOT going to be getting caught up in the same bad habits we had the previous year, like eating too much, not exercising enough, so on and so forth. But so what if we do make some promises to ouselves and others to try to do better this year? What's the matter with that, it's good to try and better ourselvers isn't it. I want to do beter this year, I surely want to eat more healthy and try to excersise but I won't beat myself up on a daily basis it this doesn't happen(although my doctor probably will).
2010, the year of double portions. Why do I say that? Let's look at the year 2010. The first part is 20 isn't that 10 doubled? Aha, good thought huh? I came up with that all by myself
2010, be expecting a double portion, it's out there for you too!
God bless you and keep looking up!