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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Continuing Nightmare Along Pennsylvania Ave. by Perry Stone

A little about our past presidents, this may take several blogs to get all that is important about the most influential man in our nation.

Our first president, George Washington, understood thoroughly the sacred trust placed in the hands of the individual chosen to the office of the president of the United States. This office holds within it's power the potential for helping-or hindering-every citizen of this great nation to reach his or her own "great American Dream". In his farewell address of 1796, President Washington reflected on this sacred trust by saying:

In looking forward to the moment which is intended to terminate the career of my public life, my feelings do not permit me to suspend the deep acknowledgment of that debt of gratitude which I owe to my beloved country for the many honors it has conferred upon me; still more for the steadfast confidence with which it has supported me; and for the opportunities I have thence enjoyed of manifesting my invioable attachment, by services faithful and perservering, though in usefulness unequal to my zeal.

very 4 years, Americans observe the finished product of an emerging president. After nonstop campaigning, countless telemarketing-type of television interviews, and 12-18 months of seemingly endless advertisements that are more like a publicity marathon, a finely tuned, silver tongued politician walks his companion along Pennsylvania Ave. and up the white House steps, packaged like a set of Ken and Barbie dolls. Some men become president because of name recognition(such as the name Bush), others due to military records, and still others as a result of political clout or unbalanced media reporting that prevents negative reports from surfacing during a campaign.


thers enter the presidential arena believing that they have a sovereign calling from a higher power to fulfill a specific role in history. One such man was former President Ronald Reagan. Few Americans are aware of a personal prophecy given to Ronald Reagan while he was governor in California, revealing his future destiny as president. According to the book Reagan Inside Out, the story begins in California on a beautiful October day in 1970. Herbert E. Ellingwood, Governor Reagan's legal affairs secretary, had invited several guests to visit the governor. Among them were celebrity Pat Boone, Harald Bredesen, and a minister named George Otis. Boone was a longtime friend of the Reagans, and the governor at that time was running for reelection.

According to those present that day, the conversations included a discussion on Bible Prophecy and the Holy Spirit's moving in the last days. After a series of interesting discussions, Ellingwood finally led the group toward the front door, and the final good-byes were being said. One of the ministers spoke up and asked "Governor, do you mind if we take a moment and pray for you and Mrs. Reagan?"

Immediately, Governor replied, "We would appreciate that," as his countenance turned rather serious. Then the group joined hands forming a circle. Reagan bowed his head rather sharply, and the others tilted theirs a bit. Prayer was immediately offered asking for God's blessings. Suddenly, in the middle of the prayer, the unexpected occurred. George Otis recalled what transpired:

The Holy Spirit came upon me and I knew it. In fact, I was embarrassed. There was this pulsing in my arm and my hand-the one holding Governor Reagan's hand-was shaking. I didn't know what to do. I just didn't want this to be happening. I can remember even as I was speaking, tensing my muscles trying to get the shaking to stop.

s it was transpiring, the prayer of Otis changed completely from the basic prayer of blessing to a more steady intent word. The Holy Spirit-inspired words coming from Otis's mouth spoke directly to Reagan, addressing him as "My son", and recognizing his role as leader in a state that was the size of many nations on earth. His "labor" was described as "pleasing". Suddenly the following words were spoken "if you walk uprightly before Me, you will reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue". Everyone knew that 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. was the address of the White House, the home of America's presidents.

10 years passed and in 1980, Governor Reagan, against all odds, ran for president. He was on the bottom of the pile of 10 other Republican candidates, all seeking their party's nomination. The major factor against him was his age; near the time of the election he was approaching his 70th birthday. Political analysts were critical, saying "he was too old to make correct decisions and could die while in office". Others said he was incompetent and just an actor. Despite the objections, Reagan won! Then he was reelected for a second term. He not only lived to be 78 but he passed the age of 90.

In November 1980, upon hearing Reagan had been elected, Pat Boone telephoned the Reagans at their Pacific Palisades home to congratulate Ronald. After Boone spoke with Nancy, Reagan came to the phone. During the conversation Boone inquired if Reagan remembered the prayer in Sacramento 10 years earlier. Reagan said, "Of course I do".

10 years before his election as president, God revealed His will for Ronald Reagan. Mr. Reagan was a dedicated Christian and loved the Bible. He was familiar with biblical prophecy and at times privately consulted key ministers to ask for input on how certain world events would play into prophetic scenarios of Scriptures.

More on past presidents and their role in Bible history and American history coming up.

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