It's me

It's me
The Bedouin Woman

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cynical vs Skeptical

bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic.Cynical

inclined to skepticism; having doubt: a skeptical young woman.

Peter in the bible was a bit of a cynic, in that, he denied that he would deny knowing Christ, but deny he did and then felt contemptuous of himself after he did it. John 18:25 But Christ loved him anyway and forgave him. What a marvelous god we serve!

Thomas was very skeptical in that he needed to actually put his fingers in the very places that Christ had been injured on the cross in order to actually believe that Christ has risen from the dead. When He allowed Thomas to do that he, Thomas fell on his knees saying My Lord and My God. Christ said "you have seen me and believe , blessed are they that have NOT seen and believe". John 20:27

Someone once called me a skeptic, in fact I was at a woman's conference and went up for a word from God from the speaker, I never thought in a million years that I would be called a skeptic. Why, I thought I was one of the world's greatest believers, Ha, God had my number, He knows what goes on in the deepest recesses of our hearts, you can't fool God! Not that I was trying mind you but sometimes we don't even know what is down there and it takes a conference or a man or woman of God to draw it out by the power of the Holy Spirit, then we can begin working on it.

This woman was laughing and speaking to me, not mocking, she must have gotten a deep revelation from God about me and thought it was funny, I never thought I was a skeptic, but from that point on my faith in God and His word was strengthened.

I thank God He has given me a soft and pliable heart, a heart He can work with. Some of us go through life with unforgiveness, bitterness and a hardened heart, not just against God but against each other or supposedly, the hand that the world has dealt us.

A person once said to me "why should I believe in God, what has He ever done for me"? My response was "what have you ever done for Him"? This person in my opinion is a cynic.

I was prodded by the Holy Spirit to write this article, I'm not sure why but perhaps some who read this will see some cynicism or skepticism in themselves and will bring it before the Lord so He can reach down in those depths that only you and He can see and get rid of it!

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